Matthew 19:1-12
When Jesus finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went to the territory of Judea on the other side of the Jordan River. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him by asking, "Does our law allow a man to divorce his wife for whatever reason he wishes?"Jesus answered, "Haven't you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the Creator made people male and female? And God said,'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.'So they are no longer two, but one. Man must not seperate, then, what God has joined together. The Pharisees asked him,"Why, then, did Moses give the law for a man to hand his wife a divorce notice and send her away?" Jesus answered , "Moses gave you permission to divorce your wives because you are so hard to teach. But it was not like that at the time of creation. I tell you , then,that any man who divorces his wife for any cause other than her unfaithfulness,commits adultery if he marries some other woman."His disciples said to him,"If this is how it is between a man and his wife,it is better not to marry." Jesus answered ,"This teaching does not apply to everyone,but only to those whom God has given it. For there are different reasons why men cannot marry: some, because they were born that way;others , because men made them that way; and others do not marry for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. Let him who cannot accept this teaching do so."
Romans 7:2-3
A married woman,for example, is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives;but if he dies,then she is free from the law that bound her to him.So then if she lives with another man while her husband is still alive she will be called an adulteress ; but if her husband dies,she is legally a free woman and does not commit adultery if she marries another man.
1Peter 3:1-7
In the same way wives must submit yourselves to your husbands,so that any of them do not believe Gods word, your conduct will win them over to believe.It will not be necessary for you to speak a word,because they will see how pure and reverent your conduct is. You should not use outward ways to make yourselves beautiful,such as the way you fix your hair,or the jewelry you put on,or the dresses you wear. Instead your beauty should consist of your true inner self,the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,which is one of the greatest values in Gods sight. For the devout women of the past who placed their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful by submitting themselves to their husbands. Sarah was like that; she obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are now her daughters if you do good and are not afraid of anything.In the same way your husbands must live with your wives with the proper understanding that they are the weaker sex. Treat them with respect,because they also will receive ,together with you,Gods gift of good life.Do this so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.
Oh the Bible is slam full of what we are supposed to do,say and behave as wives. Don't neglect your husband of sex. Don't put him down. Don't say hurtful things to him or about him. Are you the one that willingly takes up Jesus' cross of self denial?.Luke 9:23 So many women these days play emotional games to keep their husband,they lie,deceive and pretend. I know a lady that has chosen 3 men to marry in a 13 yr span , like buying a pair of shoes. One lady was having a "internet affair" with the husbands friend. One lady is just going thru the marriage lonely. The husband works all the time. Marriages are in trouble these days. I have written a blog in this manner not to long ago and it seems like since that blog I have had a desire to just let women know that this is what the Bible says and I do not apologize for what Gods word says. How do we expect our daughters to know love if we cannot love their daddy?How will our sons know how to treat that special girl. .If your husband is abusive to you or the kids in anyway then simply remove yourself from that situation and give him over to God. My daughter sees me and hears me uplift her daddy on a daily basis. I look forward to see who God has prepared for her. I know some may have a marriage based on "well I got pregnant so this was the right thing to do". What a lie, the right thing to do is keep your pants on until marriage. I know it may be too late for some of you, but ask yourself "Can you live without answers just by knowing God is with you?". My heart is burdened for so many women who are not happy in their marriage. Take this with you daily,post it up around somewhere to read it every day. It is this, WE MUST NEVER BE AFRAID OF ADMITTING THAT WHAT WE SEE AROUND US DOESN'T MATCH UP WITH WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT THE CHARACTER OF GOD. We don't "purchase" a husband. If your marriage falls apart ,just don't be in such a hurry to get back on the saddle and ride again. Take some time and love on your kids,get involved in something to help you thru your hurt.
With Love, Judy
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